In order to meet the customers’ diversified needs, we have established our management philosophy "Create the Next by Advanced and Innovative technologies" and conducted global business activities. And now we have established "AIMECHATEC CODE OF CONDUCT" as laws and ethical code of conduct to embody this management philosophy. All executives and employees under the strong leadership of the top management shall fulfill our social responsibilities and contribute to society by executing this CODE.
1. Compliance with Laws and Social Norms
We shall comply with all laws and other social norms relevant to our business activities.
- 1-1Practice of fair, transparent, free competition, and appropriate transactions
- 1-2Provision of high quality, highly safe products and services
- 1-3Compliance with import and export related laws and regulations
- 1-4Prohibition of giving money and goods, receiving, and other economic benefits, to domestic and foreign public officials, to business partners, which violates laws and regulations
2. Building Trust Relationship with Customers and Business Partners
We shall continue to build continuous relationships of trust with customers and business partners, and make an effort for mutual development.
- 2-1Creation and provision of advanced and innovative technologies and services which accurately grasps customer needs
- 2-2Development of business activities which respect cultures and customs in each country and region
- 2-3Building fair and sound relationship between business partners with high transparency
3. Contribution to the Local Communities
We shall respect coexistence with the local communities and contribute to their sustainable development.
- 3-1Implementation of social contribution activities as a good corporate citizen
- 3-2Forming good communication with local communities
4. Contribution to the Global Environment
We shall take initiative towards the realization of sustainable society in harmony with the environment.
- 4-1Development of products and services considering prevention of global warming, cyclical use of resources, conservation of ecosystems
- 4-2Compliance with laws and self-standards related to the environment
5. Proper Information Disclosure and Information Protection
We shall communicate widely with society, actively and accurately disclose our company information, and properly protect and manage various information acquired in our business activities.
- 5-1Disclosure of appropriate and timely management information to stakeholders
- 5-2Proper management of personal information, customer information, trade secrets by maintaining and improving information security
- 5-3Prevention of insider trading
- 5-4Respect for intellectual property rights of our company and the other companies
6. Respect for Human Rights
We shall respect the international norms on human rights and not conduct acts that discriminate by beliefs, gender, age, nationality, race, thought, ethnicity, social status, religion, birth, disease, disability etc. and that hurt individual dignity.
- 6-1Prohibition of unjustifiable discrimination in employment and treatment of employees
- 6-2Prohibition of inhuman acts and speech such as sexual harassment, power harassment, harassment related to pregnancy,childbirth,childcare leave,family care leave and so forth, nuisance, insults etc.
7. Improvement of Workplace Environment
We shall consider the safety and health of the workplace environment, and respect the individuality of each employee, and strive to improve workplace environment in which employees can demonstrate their abilities and vitality.
- 7-1Prohibition of unjustifiable discrimination in employment and treatment of employees
- 7-2Promotion of work-life balance
- 7-3Promotion of various measures by which diverse human resources such as elderly, disabled, women, foreigners can demonstrate their abilities
- 7-4Active promotion of measures to maintain and promote health of employees including their family members
8. Rupture of Relationship with Antisocial Forces
We shall take a resolute stand against and reject any connection with antisocial forces that threaten social order and safety.
- 8-1Implementation measures to eliminate antisocial forces by strengthening collaboration with external related organizations and institutions
- 8-2Thorough implementation of “exclusion clause of antisocial forces” in contracts with business partners
- 8-3Promotion of internal education to eliminate antisocial forces
9. Handling of Violation of this CODE
In the event of violation to this CODE, top management shall take the leadership and resolve the problems, and strive to thoroughly investigate the causes and prevent recurrence. In addition to deeply recognizing social responsibility, we shall fulfill prompt and accurate information disclosure and accountability to society, and clarify the authorities and responsibilities of the persons concerned, and take strict measures against the persons concerned including top management.