To the next generation in workplace
with friendly atmosphere - Manufacturing Department
"The Best Product” to be delivered
in case we try to do. - Quality Assurance Department
"To Get it done to the end" from picking up customers’ needs to do after-care and service
- Design Department
Challenge from Fund Management
- Finance Department
“Create something not existing yet in the world”
- Sales and Marketing Department

- Manufacturing Department
- To the next generation in workplace with friendly atmosphere
To create New Technologies by taking our steps forward
I belong to Manufacturing Department and am engaged in the work to improve efficiency and productivity of our factory. Our specific mission is to consider how to assemble and deliver products efficiently while maintaining high quality and accuracy of the products.
It is very difficult to organize the work site consistently, and sometimes we face problems that are difficult to solve. But we are greatly satisfied with the sense of accomplishment in case our ideas are recognized by reflecting our feeling and thoughts in the products.
We feel rewarding to share pleasure and hardship with each department and work site members, and to create trust and teamwork to be very pleasant workplace.
To find Answers at “Work Site”
In case I cannot come up with good ideas even if I consider it by myself, I believe that it will lead to more efficient production by visiting work site certainly and finding hints and answers there.
In addition, it is very important to grasp and reflect the voices of work site members timely while seeking new technologies constantly. Most of the products we manufacture here are "customized products," of which detailed setting and conditions are mostly different even if the products are the same.
Therefore, it is indispensable point to continue to be a place where requests and opinions are smoothly reflected in the products.

To the next generation in workplace with friendly atmosphere
Since many young staffs have joined our company recently, I feel that I must convey my current job and what I have learned to the new generation. Our company’s culture is that each employee “can handle everything”, not just “can do this one only”.
For the purpose, it should be possible to inquire and ask to other staffs, senior or junior, without hesitation whenever we are in trouble, even whichever cases for success or failure of the works. This friendly atmosphere is a good culture of our company, and I hope that the new generation will grow more in such an environment.

- Quality Assurance Department
- "The Best Product” to be delivered in case we try to do.
From On-site Inspection to on customer site inspection
The job of Quality Assurance Department is to carry out on-site inspections before shipment and to set up product and make sure of the quality and performance at the customer's site. We are always careful that we must anticipate possible problems and situations from the time of on-site inspection at our factory so as not to cause any problems that cannot be cured with locally at the customer site.
Since there are many overseas sites for setup such as China, Korea, Taiwan, etc. with various places to visit for the first time, we do our best to keep in mind to inquire what kind of applications the product used for and where to focus on inspection. We also work out countermeasures based on the past records in our company. However, we must discuss with our customers at each work site in details and come up with solutions just in case unexpected situations are occurred.
To be familiar but not to satisfy with product knowledge
We take pride in our position to be most familiar with our equipment as we "inspect" the completed product. Then, we often go to other departments to cooperate, collect information, and sometimes consult with Design Department and Manufacturing Department to consider better product improvements.
In most cases, customers are to operate product for the first time. Therefore, we make and provide the instruction manuals for product so that our customers and we can completely understanding of our product. In addition, we try to create opportunities to learn product knowledges independently, such as holding study meeting regularly to exchange opinions in our department.
Furthermore, it is important not to be just satisfied with the current product quality and performance. The question, "How can this product be better?" will be customers’ requests in the next moment. By thinking on a daily basis, we believe that we can respond timely to customers’ requests such as "if we can do this" and "if we have something like this". We can also propose product improvement to other departments as “Product Improvement Proposal”. I feel that opportunities to get the perspective points from outside of our department are extremely valuable.

"The Best Product” to be delivered in case we try to do.
I believe that Professional should be able to comply with any urgent requirements for the product assigned to be in charge. For the purpose, we must constantly get experiences and obtain knowledges. We will make "the Best Product" as second to none if we try to do. And, I would like to be able to handle any product, as it means that the whole product line can be managed. Each product is not completed by itself but constitutes the entire line having close connection with other product at upstream and downstream. We will be able to understand the entire manufacturing line upon our perfect apprehension on product one by one. Whenever I see senior staffs who can understand everything if inquired by any other staffs, I feel that I would like to become such person by getting experiences and knowledges every day.

- Design Department
- "To Get it done to the end" from picking up customers’ needs to do after-care and service
"Something Extra" with our Imagination and Creation
I am engaged in the mechanical, electrical, and whole design as the software of our Semiconductor Business in Design Department. One of our strengths is that we can reflect our customers’ requests in our products timely, as we carry out total process from design to procurement, assembly, and inspection.
I think that Design Department is where we can utilize our Imagination and Creation at the time of designing products. We consider how to develop our customers’ requests on the products in accordance with the customers usage of our products.
It may not be good enough for our customers’ needs just to answer “A” in case we are requested to do “A”. Then, we try to use our imagination and creation to consider how to add “Something Extra” applications to such requests.
We, Design Department, are always targeting to achieve smooth and timely reflection of customers’ requests as much as possible, as the position of start line in terms of manufacturing products and reflecting the requests in the process.
Everyday Things can be utilized for Design
Design is not something immediately comes to mind. It is necessary for us to seek design hints and utilize them in things other than our own equipment such as household items and daily necessities generally sold in the market. Then, we will be able to create products which can be used in the same general sense as dealing with many products of the public.
In addition, we would like to propose something exceeding the customers’ requests furthermore, although we take in the requests and reflect in the products in the form of “Dialogue with customers”. In case we are requested to design “stand on which things are placed,” we will design “stand on which overall works can be easily done” in consideration of future requirements. We are trying to design more than what we can obtain from “Dialogue with customers.”

"To Get it done to the end" from picking up customers’ needs to do after-care and service
We think that the most important thing is to “To get it done to the end”. Although we design the specifications, it is not “Completed” even if the products are assembled and completed.
After all, we suppose that questions are always to be with us how products are to be used by our customers and how those can be improved.
After-care is also to be considerable. In this sense, we think that " To get it done to the end” shall be our responsibility for the products. At the time of designing, it is very important to strengthen cooperation by visiting other departments, not to just willfully consider o-kay once products are completed.
We believe that it will lead to provide better products to our customers in terms of the sense of manufacturing speed, to proceed design with awareness that leads to the after-design process, considering what kind of design makes it easier to procure materials, assemble and inspect the products.

- Finance Department
- Challenge from Fund Management
To handle Funds as our company’s “Blood"
I take charge of deposit and withdrawal procedures, fund planning and management in Finance Department. As the specific job, I take charge of daily and end-of-month payments, business payment processing, financial planning, and preparing documents to be provided to other departments. Above all, fund management for our company operations are my major role of the work.
I believe that fund management is very important work to operate company, just as company’s fund is compared to human’s blood. Even if we can make big sales, it might lead to loss of social credibility as a company in case debt collection and payment are delayed. In this respect, I take on my daily work with great responsibility.
To listen "Voices" and collect “Information” from other departments
Documents we provide to other departments include receivable and product cost information. It is very important for us to know how much it costs and how much profits we can make by making products.
But those are not everything. For example, Procurement Department wishes to actively introduce new materials, or Design Department wants to try new technologies. It is also one of our important works to develop such requests into our financial plans and statements for our further consideration.
As we continue to take on new challenges, how to deal with various voices from each department is one of the key points in terms of funding and business performance. I think that we must put our priority such a cooperation with other departments daily and always share information in a timely manner.

Challenge from Fund Management
One of our company goals is to comply with our customers’ requirements constantly with challenge spirit. As the person in charge of fund management, I have the same wishes to continue this challenge with my colleagues. I will try to move forward with constant challenges and best possible contributions to our company.

- Sales and Marketing Department
- “Create Something not yet existing in the world”
“Create something not yet existing in the world”
I am in charge of sales and creation of new projects for all our products regardless of region or product. As a new project, we are paying attention to the field of thin film related business that will grow from now. We believe that our technology will be useful to provide devices that contribute to automated driving of cars and the evolution of smartphones. All we deal with are custom-made products of our customers, so we will inevitably be in a proposed style. Think about what we can do for customers' "I want to do something like this" "There is such a problem," considering what we can do if there are not in the world, we propose.
Techniques catching the needs and keep connecting
Although I am the sales person, knowledge is necessary to hear exactly the customer's request. We cannot reach customers' real intention if we do not know about products, industry, and materials. That's why it is important to "keep relationship". There are things I do not know in conversation with customers, but similar keywords come out as I talk with people who works for material makers or/and the same industry. And then I can find out customer’s actual needs according to such as above communication. It connects like a puzzle and lives in communication with customers. At the same time, I think that the ability to listen is also very important. Depending on how to listen, the story goes in a different direction at all, so it is probably the most important skill for sales to ask what customers really want to say.
Strengths that are crossing the line at a stroke
For example, our products are also used for AR and VR device. In that product, I did not understand why customer make such a small display at the beginning when delivering equipment to customers. Although it was doubtful for me, but finally I realized that it was actually used for AR and VR device. Micro display for AR and VR is small and very high definition. Recent smartphones are also becoming more refined, but more than 10 times that used in this field. Since it projects an enormously small object with enlarging it, very fine detail is required there. If the entire series of processes cannot be adjusted well, the quality of the final product does not reach the required specification. Since we are doing from liquid crystal coating to assembling with one company, I think that we can make a suggestion that balances the process as a whole. In the future, I'd like to create a genre that I have never seen before. If we combine the experiences of our generations and the ideas of young people not concerned with established ideas, such things will be able to be realized.