“Nanoimprint Technology” Conference was held at AIMECHATEC

We would like to announce that Steering Committee of Japan Society of Applied Physics Nanoimprint Technology Research Association, visited our office and inspected our demonstration environment & equipment with our explanation on Nanoimprint technologies, attempts and experiences. It was valuable opportunity for us to create our future application fields of Nanoimprint technologies.


Japan Society of Applied Physics Nanoimprint Technology Research Association

Advisor Shinji Matsui, Professor Emeritus,
University of Hyogo
Steering Committee Chairman Yoshihiko Hirai, Professor,
University of Osaka Pref.
Steering Committee Deputy Chairman Hiroshi Hiroshima, Director,
Integrated Microsystem Research Center,
National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Science and Technology
Steering Committee Masaru Nakagawa, Professor,
Tohoku University
Steering Committee Jun Mizuno, Professor,
Waseda University
Steering Committee Akihiro Miyauchi,
Specially-appointed Professor,
Tokyo Medical and Dental University

【Inquiries on this matter】
Thin Film Technology Innovation Center Nakayama Tel: 0297-62-9140