Received “Distinguished Invention Service Award” at “44th Invention Award”

We, AIMECHATEC, Ltd. received the “Distinguished Invention Service Award” at “44th Invention Award,” presided over jointly by Japan Society for the Advancement of Inventions and Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd.

Awarded Title: (Invention & Design Name) “High Accuracy & Infinitesimal Inkjet Coating Device for High Definition Display”

  Invention Name  Patent Number
  Liquid Cristal Material Coating Device & Method  Patent No. 5671414
 Thin Film Forming Device  Patent No. 6339553

This Award is awarded to enterprises, individuals or groups, who contributed to the development of industry and improvement of people’s lives in Japan through excellent inventions and design.

This award is evaluated as the invention significantly contributed to the high performance of FPD (Flat Panel Display) products and the industry, as one of the technologies essential for production of FPD such as 4K / 8K Liquid Crystal Television.

We, AIMEHCATEC, Ltd. aim to be a global company being trusted and supported by customers, and a company that continuously contribute to society by making people’s lives more convenient and enriched, focusing on the management philosophy “Create the Next by Advanced and Innovative technologies.”

Homepage of Invention Award, Japan Society for the Advancement of Inventions